Sunday, 21 October 2007

Day at The Royal Opera House

Firstly, on Friday I finally was able to dye my hair red again since last December. Hooray! I think the front part of my head is a bit too dark, so I’m probably going to re-dye it again next week. But, Sarah said that the back of my head turned out bright and looks good.

Anyway, yesterday Sarah and me went to the Royal Opera House (ROH) to see the Royal Ballet perform La Bayadère (that I bought two several week ago). We barely made on time, as Dad drove us and “The City” is always hell to get to...

It was in the Main Auditorium, and we were sitting in the Stalls Circle. And I was expecting it to be really vast (which it is), but b/c of the layout it felt quite cozy and you can connect a lot w/ everyone around you and on the stage, despite their being an audience capacity of several hundred in the Main Auditorium.

The basic background is: “La Bayadère – ‘The Temple Dancer’– is a full-length 19th-century ballet classic. The story of love, murder and vengeful judgement by the gods is set against colourful exoticism of India. A beautiful temple dancer is in love with a warrior, but becomes a victim of her jealous rival and of the High Brahmin. There are powerful moments for the two opposing ballerinas, evocative ensembles and a stunning solo as a bronze idol comes vividly to life. The most famous part of all – beautifully staged in this Royal Ballet production by Natalia Makarova – is the sublime, sustained ‘Kingdom of the Shades’, whose moonlit scene of a seemingly endless train of ballerinas is a magical recreation of another world.”

Overall, it was very good and costumes were really beautiful. And I enjoyed it greatly, and everyone must visit the ROH at least once in their life to see a major ballet and opera production! And I hope Sarah liked it too, but knowing her I think she liked the male ballet dancers the most b/c she kept going on about their bums in their tights. Well, as long as Sarah’s happy... Although, I think it take a lot of guts to be a male ballet dancer b/c in today’s day and age they still have to put up with some people’s ignorance and stigma about being a ballerina. However, it takes so much leg strength and flexibility to perform 6 days a week; and I suppose the up the upside is that they get to be in many “interesting” positions with their female counterparts...

For more info about La Bayadère check out the synopses at:

Bye for now.

P.S.: Photos coming soon


Kath said...

Eh, the folks who are weird about balleinos can take a hike, clearly they are uncultured heathens. Nureyev should be enough to break any opinions. If you can watch him without your trousers falling off, my hat's off to you.

Sounds like it was a fantastic night. I love the ROH. Their production of the Nutcracker is my all-time fav of that ballet, been watching it on Beta since I was four. I finally caved and have the DVD on it's way to my house. :-)

Kath said...


apparently my tpying skills have gone down the drain...

Kath said...
