Saturday, 29 August 2009
Snow Leopard Arrives!
Today, I received my Mac Box Set software, which includes iLife ’09, iWork ’09 and Apple’s new operating system Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)… I can’t wait to install it in my new Mac that will arrive on Tuesday. HURRAH!
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
The Walton Report Launch
Yesterday, I went to the launch of the Walton Report at the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) next to Regent’s Park in London. This is the final report from the inquiry of All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Muscular Dystrophy (chaired by Dave Anderson MP) that looks into specialist care for muscle disease and related neuromuscular diseases.
It was named after Lord John Walton of Detchant (Honourary Life President of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) who was a part of the APPG evidence inquiry sessions from December 2008 to July 2009, and is one of the three people that founded the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign 50 years ago.
Upon arrival at around 10:40, once I got into the building at the RCP I was dying to go wee having gotten up quite early and being stuck in London traffic, but the bathroom was one floor down about 8 steps below. So, I had to use the glass lift to go down about just 3 metres, but the bloody door wouldn’t close making the lift unusable. 10 minutes later, after many members of staff attempted to solve the problem w/ no resolve, my dad tried to tell the lady that my wheelchair was too big for the lift by having me in and out of the lift and showing her the magnetic lever, which she finally half-hearted agreed with. At that point, my dad held down the lever w/ his foot to see if I could drive over the lever with my wheelchair and see if the door would close. However, when I went over the lever the damn lever broke, so I had to reverse out of the lift quite precariously that was interesting to do. Then, the half-hearted lady said she’d show me where another bathroom was and Lord Walton took the lead and was very helpful, trying to get someone to tell me where the bathrooms were. We ended up going onto using a different lift and we left Lord Walton in the reception area. The lady really had no idea where she was going and we ended up going on the wrong floor before we actually found a bathroom in some backdoor corridor and I said to Dad, sarcastically, “Welcome to the Royal College of Physicians…” once we got to the bathroom, as he laughed. When we left the bathroom, the lady had suddenly vanished, so we had to find our way back, which we did. Yet when we went to a different floor, she said she was looking for us and told us to go down to the basement level, but that was the wrong floor; and we found ourselves being told by a brisk fellow this was the wrong floor, who was guarding what looked like a giant storeroom for champagne. At this, my dad said, “My goodness, physicians do drink a lot…” to which the guy pretended he didn’t hear and continued filling out paperwork on his clipboard. Thankfully, we finally found our way back to the reception area, though this scenario took over half an hour (and is often the story of my life). All before the actual event had even started – fun times!
Anyway, after I chatted to all of my friends from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign in the reception area, we went for a photo call in the gardens of the RCP around 11:30. Once that was done, we all went to the first floor into a beautiful, domed conference room. Dave Anderson MP, Chair of the APPG for Muscular Dystrophy, then gave the Welcome Address and then passed it onto Lord Walton, who gave a very moving and interesting speech. It was followed by a speech from the Director of Policy and Operations of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, Robert Meadowcroft, about the key facts of the Walton Report and what needs to be done now, as well as comments from Sir Michael Rawlins, the Chairman of NICE. That concluded the first half of the event because it was time for the best part of the day, Lunchtime…
During lunch, I met the Chief Executive of the Snowdon Award Scheme and we had a very insightful conversation about Higher Education and Trailblazers; hopefully Trailblazers and his organisation can team up to do some good work together. Dad and I left the reception area once we finished the conversation and quickly made our way to the lifts to head back to the conference room before the rush started.
The second half of the event was more interactive part of the day with a panel discussion, which I really thought was quite fascinating and surprisingly I found Lord Walton to be quite a witty person (and I was laughing in tears from all the humourous things he was saying throughout the day). Concluding remarks and the next steps to be taken, presented by Mr. Anderson concluded the event.
Finally, Phil (Chief Executive of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) gave a passionate speech and made the closing remarks. What an amazing event indeed!
Overall, I really enjoyed the day greatly and thought it was a brilliant experience; and it was a pleasure to represent Trailblazers at the launch too. I especially enjoyed meeting all my friends from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and meeting with Lord Walton of Detchant, Baroness Thomas of Winchester and Dave Anderson MP. On a side note, sad yesterday at the launch Joe, our wonderful intern at HQ, told me that he’d be leaving soon because he is only on a short-term contract; very sad news indeed, although I wish him all the success and happiness in his future endeavours. Anyhow, we just need to now get some clout among politicians to bring the Walton Report high up on the political agenda, which can make a real, positive change for the better for people w/ Muscular Dystrophy and related diseases right away…
Find out more about the Walton Report.
It was named after Lord John Walton of Detchant (Honourary Life President of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) who was a part of the APPG evidence inquiry sessions from December 2008 to July 2009, and is one of the three people that founded the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign 50 years ago.
Upon arrival at around 10:40, once I got into the building at the RCP I was dying to go wee having gotten up quite early and being stuck in London traffic, but the bathroom was one floor down about 8 steps below. So, I had to use the glass lift to go down about just 3 metres, but the bloody door wouldn’t close making the lift unusable. 10 minutes later, after many members of staff attempted to solve the problem w/ no resolve, my dad tried to tell the lady that my wheelchair was too big for the lift by having me in and out of the lift and showing her the magnetic lever, which she finally half-hearted agreed with. At that point, my dad held down the lever w/ his foot to see if I could drive over the lever with my wheelchair and see if the door would close. However, when I went over the lever the damn lever broke, so I had to reverse out of the lift quite precariously that was interesting to do. Then, the half-hearted lady said she’d show me where another bathroom was and Lord Walton took the lead and was very helpful, trying to get someone to tell me where the bathrooms were. We ended up going onto using a different lift and we left Lord Walton in the reception area. The lady really had no idea where she was going and we ended up going on the wrong floor before we actually found a bathroom in some backdoor corridor and I said to Dad, sarcastically, “Welcome to the Royal College of Physicians…” once we got to the bathroom, as he laughed. When we left the bathroom, the lady had suddenly vanished, so we had to find our way back, which we did. Yet when we went to a different floor, she said she was looking for us and told us to go down to the basement level, but that was the wrong floor; and we found ourselves being told by a brisk fellow this was the wrong floor, who was guarding what looked like a giant storeroom for champagne. At this, my dad said, “My goodness, physicians do drink a lot…” to which the guy pretended he didn’t hear and continued filling out paperwork on his clipboard. Thankfully, we finally found our way back to the reception area, though this scenario took over half an hour (and is often the story of my life). All before the actual event had even started – fun times!
Anyway, after I chatted to all of my friends from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign in the reception area, we went for a photo call in the gardens of the RCP around 11:30. Once that was done, we all went to the first floor into a beautiful, domed conference room. Dave Anderson MP, Chair of the APPG for Muscular Dystrophy, then gave the Welcome Address and then passed it onto Lord Walton, who gave a very moving and interesting speech. It was followed by a speech from the Director of Policy and Operations of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, Robert Meadowcroft, about the key facts of the Walton Report and what needs to be done now, as well as comments from Sir Michael Rawlins, the Chairman of NICE. That concluded the first half of the event because it was time for the best part of the day, Lunchtime…
During lunch, I met the Chief Executive of the Snowdon Award Scheme and we had a very insightful conversation about Higher Education and Trailblazers; hopefully Trailblazers and his organisation can team up to do some good work together. Dad and I left the reception area once we finished the conversation and quickly made our way to the lifts to head back to the conference room before the rush started.
The second half of the event was more interactive part of the day with a panel discussion, which I really thought was quite fascinating and surprisingly I found Lord Walton to be quite a witty person (and I was laughing in tears from all the humourous things he was saying throughout the day). Concluding remarks and the next steps to be taken, presented by Mr. Anderson concluded the event.
Finally, Phil (Chief Executive of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) gave a passionate speech and made the closing remarks. What an amazing event indeed!
Overall, I really enjoyed the day greatly and thought it was a brilliant experience; and it was a pleasure to represent Trailblazers at the launch too. I especially enjoyed meeting all my friends from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and meeting with Lord Walton of Detchant, Baroness Thomas of Winchester and Dave Anderson MP. On a side note, sad yesterday at the launch Joe, our wonderful intern at HQ, told me that he’d be leaving soon because he is only on a short-term contract; very sad news indeed, although I wish him all the success and happiness in his future endeavours. Anyhow, we just need to now get some clout among politicians to bring the Walton Report high up on the political agenda, which can make a real, positive change for the better for people w/ Muscular Dystrophy and related diseases right away…
Find out more about the Walton Report.
Uni Update
19 Days, 14 Hours, 42 Minutes and Counting until I start uni (to freshers week that is)… FAB NEWS!
UCA, All The Way!
Today, I officially enrolled as student at University for the Creative Arts (Farnham Campus; UCA Farnham) on their BA (Hons) Advertising & Brand Communication course beginning September 2009… HURRAH!
The Snow Leopard is Here…
Just ordered the Mac Box Set that includes Apple Inc.’s new operating system Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, which will ship by 28th August. WICKED!

Saturday, 22 August 2009
Uni Update
Just received an e-mail from my uni w/ my user name and password to enroll for my course via online registry on Monday (24/08/09)… HURRAH!
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Day w/ Trailblazers
Today, I went to the office after a much long break due to my flu to help Bobby with the Hotline for students, as is part of our Education Campaign for Trailblazers.
Upon arrival at about 11:00, I just went to the Education Report for about a hour, while waiting for the other Trailblazers. Then around 11:50, once the other Trailblazers arrived, we went into the Conference Room where phones were set up for us to answer anyone who called on the Hotline between 12 and 3; and Bobby told the three other Trailblazers (Zoë, Kim and Matilda) and I what to say to the students calling our Hotline. Sadly, no one called our Hotline, but we still had a good time regardless.
So, we just started discussing some ideas about our next campaign on Leisure Facilities while Bobby went to get sandwiches for lunch. When he came back, we shared his ideas with him and then had some lunch, having a lot of fun too.
During lunch, I also had a quick chat w/ Phil (Chief Executive of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) and discuss some thoughts w/ him. Always an interesting conversaition w/ Phil...
After lunch, Bobby told us about a new grant that would be available for Trailblazers to do a project that is worth about £10,000 or so. We, Trailblazers, decided that we should create a film, which we all thought would be very interesting. However, I am keeping the details under wraps until all lights are go.
In addition, as nobody called the Hotline, Bobby suggested that the Trailblazers use the Conference Call phone to all answer a call from a mock caller and Zoë’s brother was pushed into it after Bobby’s voice sounded too old or something over the speaker on the phone. This was all so we could take a video of all the Trailblazers looking like we were doing lots of work and to add to the Trailblazers website. LOL!
Before I knew it, it was already 3 pm and almost time to go home. Though, Bobby asked me to take a quick video why I wanted to be a Trailblazer or something like that and we went off to find a good location to record it in the office that had a decent backdrop. In the end, we ended up in the kitchen and I shot my video; although I don’t think it was very good since I was just pulling it out of the air, but hopefully it was okay.
Also, subsequent to the Trailblazers leaving, Bobby gave the Trailblazers a Flip Video Mino to use for uploading interesting videos onto the Trailblazers website, and I cannot wait to start using it…
Once I finished my video in the kitchen I said my goodbyes to everyone at the office and headed home before London rush hour started.
All in all, it was a great day w/ lots of laughter, interesting discussions and a bit of hard work too! I’m definitely going to continue to work w/ Trailblazers and the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign for many years to come…
Upon arrival at about 11:00, I just went to the Education Report for about a hour, while waiting for the other Trailblazers. Then around 11:50, once the other Trailblazers arrived, we went into the Conference Room where phones were set up for us to answer anyone who called on the Hotline between 12 and 3; and Bobby told the three other Trailblazers (Zoë, Kim and Matilda) and I what to say to the students calling our Hotline. Sadly, no one called our Hotline, but we still had a good time regardless.
So, we just started discussing some ideas about our next campaign on Leisure Facilities while Bobby went to get sandwiches for lunch. When he came back, we shared his ideas with him and then had some lunch, having a lot of fun too.
During lunch, I also had a quick chat w/ Phil (Chief Executive of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign) and discuss some thoughts w/ him. Always an interesting conversaition w/ Phil...
After lunch, Bobby told us about a new grant that would be available for Trailblazers to do a project that is worth about £10,000 or so. We, Trailblazers, decided that we should create a film, which we all thought would be very interesting. However, I am keeping the details under wraps until all lights are go.
In addition, as nobody called the Hotline, Bobby suggested that the Trailblazers use the Conference Call phone to all answer a call from a mock caller and Zoë’s brother was pushed into it after Bobby’s voice sounded too old or something over the speaker on the phone. This was all so we could take a video of all the Trailblazers looking like we were doing lots of work and to add to the Trailblazers website. LOL!
Before I knew it, it was already 3 pm and almost time to go home. Though, Bobby asked me to take a quick video why I wanted to be a Trailblazer or something like that and we went off to find a good location to record it in the office that had a decent backdrop. In the end, we ended up in the kitchen and I shot my video; although I don’t think it was very good since I was just pulling it out of the air, but hopefully it was okay.
Also, subsequent to the Trailblazers leaving, Bobby gave the Trailblazers a Flip Video Mino to use for uploading interesting videos onto the Trailblazers website, and I cannot wait to start using it…
Once I finished my video in the kitchen I said my goodbyes to everyone at the office and headed home before London rush hour started.
All in all, it was a great day w/ lots of laughter, interesting discussions and a bit of hard work too! I’m definitely going to continue to work w/ Trailblazers and the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign for many years to come…
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
DSA Equipment
On Monday, I found out that I will receive my DSA equipment for uni including my brand new MacBook Pro 17” on 1st September… HURRAH! It has taken a bit longer to arrive because it is a special order w/ fully loaded new Mac, but I can’t wait for it to arrive. Photos coming soon.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
This afternoon, we went to see “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” (IMAX 3-D) at the BFI IMAX Cinema in London, which is directed by David Yates and stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Michael Gambon, Jim Broadbent, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton and Helena Bonham Carter.
It was a visually stunning, amazing film that I enjoyed! However, I just now think of the of the films as completely separate entity than the books and review these films as though they’re just film w/ nothing to do w/ the books, as there's no use comparing the fimls to the books…
Must see in IMAX 3-D! *** THREE 1/2 STARS ***
It was a visually stunning, amazing film that I enjoyed! However, I just now think of the of the films as completely separate entity than the books and review these films as though they’re just film w/ nothing to do w/ the books, as there's no use comparing the fimls to the books…
Must see in IMAX 3-D! *** THREE 1/2 STARS ***
Friday, 14 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Uni Update
A few weeks ago, I received a letter from my uni telling me that I can officially enroll for my course via online registry on the UCA website from 24th August… BRILLIANT!
Uni Update
I recently found out that I can officially collect my key and move into my accommodation at uni on 6th September… WICKED NEWS!
MDC Presidents Award
Yesterday, I found out that I have been chosen as the 2009 Young Person of the Year at the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign’s Presidents Award , jointly sharing the award w/ another Trailblazer.
As Bobby ( Trailblazers Project Manager) wrote, “You have been chosen because of your consistent and brilliant dedication to the Trailblazers network and for the leading roles both of you have taken in the research and online work of the network.
Therefore we’d like to invite you and your family to attend our ( National Conference on 5th September in Bradford to receive the award from our President Sue Barker .”
HURRAH! I wasn’t expecting that at all, but its really made my week…
What do you think?
PS: Congrats, to Jagz too!
As Bobby ( Trailblazers Project Manager) wrote, “You have been chosen because of your consistent and brilliant dedication to the Trailblazers network and for the leading roles both of you have taken in the research and online work of the network.
Therefore we’d like to invite you and your family to attend our ( National Conference on 5th September in Bradford to receive the award from our President Sue Barker .”
HURRAH! I wasn’t expecting that at all, but its really made my week…
What do you think?
PS: Congrats, to Jagz too!
I’m Back!
So sorry that I’ve not posted in a while, but I’ve been very sick w/ this bloody flu (no, not swine flu) for a couple weeks or so! Thankfully, I’m getting stronger and starting to feel much better…
I have lots to tell you, so stay tuned…
I have lots to tell you, so stay tuned…
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