Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Day at The Royal Brompton

Today, I spent most of the day at the Royal Brompton Hospital to just get a check up on how I’m getting along w/ my ventilator at home.

I went there w/ Mum and two of my carers on a stretcher via non-emergency ambulance transport, and it was nice to admire all the great architecture b/c the hospital is located right in the heart of South Kensington. And thankfully I had the same wonderful ambulance crew that took me to the Royal Brompton last time, Brian and Francis. Brian (the driver) is the older of the two, and is REALLY humourous and a bloody crazy driver (especially as speeds while swearing at the other drivers and in The City), but somehow you always arrive safe and alive. Francis is much younger, at 19 (w/ the one of the most amazing eyes and eyelashes) is the more mellow one of the two, but is quite fun in his own; and he has the cutest baby girl who’s about 11 months old.

Anyway, Brian is a right laugh, and is just like The Hitcher from The Mighty Boosh; and Francis being more quite that than Brian, just adds subtle sarcastic comments. For example a funny exchange that took place, was when on the way back home Francis got a call from his wife, and while he’s talking to her Brian (from the front of the ambulance) shouted, “He’s got a pretty woman back there...” (referring to my Mum), and Francis snippily replied, “SHUT UP!” It was just so hilarious to listen to. And you are always guaranteed a brilliant time w/ Brian and Francis, and always a riot!

Overall, my trip to the Royal Brompton Hospital went ok, and they said I am well, well as much as can be expected.

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