Sunday, 10 August 2008

Olympics Arrives

The 29th Olympic Games in Beijing is here! On Friday, I watched the Opening Ceremony in Beijing, and I was utterly glued to the telly. It was so amazing and entirely spectacular!

Furthermore, the last two days I have been watching the coverage of the Olympics live on BBC, and it is very exciting.

I REALLY like the Olympic Games, and I think they are a fantastic way of many countries to come enjoy sports together in peace and for you to meet people from all over the world; and now I cannot wait for the London 2012 Olympic Games, as it will be only twenty minutes away from my home. That is if the London 2012 Olympic Delivery Authority gets their act together and stop keep increasing the budget by hundreds of millions of pounds that we, as London residents, are going to end up paying.


Lexie said...

Haven't seen much of these yet. I'm at work all day so I miss most stuff :-( Did catch some of the women's volleyball, though.
London's gonna be a party!

Lexie said...

Haven't seen much of these yet. I'm at work all day so I miss most stuff :-( Did catch some of the women's volleyball, though.
London's gonna be a party!

Lexie said...

hehehehe. it double posted on me. oh well, now you're just popular :-p